Sustainability reduces costs

Energy efficient and, thus, simultaneously to produce environmentally friendly is not only in your interest as a user, but also in ours, as manufacturer. Always a pioneer regarding energy efficiency, in order to retain a liveable environment for the following generations, BOY saves CO2-emissions. BOY is also distinguished by sustainable handling of the restricted resources available – already since decades.
Sustainability – no hot air
At 8400 operating hours p.a., a BOY 100 E with servo-drive requires approximately 68.000 kWh less energy as comparable machines with other drive unit technologies. At a power price of € 0.15 / kWh, it means that the user has approximately € 10.200 less energy costs. In addition, with each kWh saved, approx. 600 g less CO2-emission is emitted – for the example of a BOY 100 E, this is more than 40 tons (!) per year.

Classy efficiency!
The measured specific energy use, in accordance with EUROMAP specifications, for the example BOY 60 E, with 600 kN clamping force and EconPlast unit is less than 0.32 kWh/kg material flow (total of 13 kg material/h).

The classification of 9+ in accordance with EUROMAP 60.1, equates to an injection value in this clamping force class. The + indicates machines that feature an energy consumption of <1 kWh in idle.
Compact more sustainable
A compact and light construction, the BOY is also attained due to the two-platen clamping system. This design was first used by BOY since 50 years ago and is still greatly popular today worldwide.
It permits a significant reduction of the space requirements. By using lower masses and weights, the energy requirement is reduced.
With our machines, the user can save installation space as well as occupancy costs – a significant point when planning new, efficiently used production. If multiple compact machines are installed, thus reducing the fixed costs per machine, because the operating costs, e.g. for space, air-conditioning, lighting, etc. can be allocated to more machines per production hall.